Delia in a Java Application

You'll need a Delia object for each database that your application uses. For an single-database application, you only need one Delia object. It is thread-safe.

Creating the Delia object

First, create a ConnectionInfo with your JDBC database credentials

		ConnectionInfo info = ConnectionBuilder.dbType(DBType.H2).jdbcUrl("jdbc:h2:~/test").userName("sa").password("").build();

Then create a Delia object. StandardLogFactory is an SLF4J logger, which can be used for most applications.

		StandardLogFactory logFactory = new StandardLogFactory();
		Delia delia = DeliaBuilder.withConnection(info).log(logFactory).build();

Although you can use the delia object directly to compile and run Delia source code, it's often simpler to use a TypeDao.


Then create a Delia object. StandardLogFactory is an SLF4J logger, which can be used for most applications.

		StandardLogFactory logFactory = new StandardLogFactory();
		Delia delia = DeliaBuilder.withConnection(info).log(logFactory).build();

Use Delia as the main API TBD